Wednesday, February 16, 2011



The people who lived in the time of the Shang Dynasty used a Mortar to husk millet which was also referred to shu and he. Today that means two different kinds of spices. Various oracle bones also said that rice and wheat were eaten during the time of the Shang dynasty but their primary food was millet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

King Tang

Interview with King Tang

We are here today to interview the King of the Shang dynasty, King Tang.
Interviewer: Hello Mr. Tang how are you today?
King Tang: I am doing well; I actually just finished building my army. It came out enthusiastic and large.
Interviewer: Could you tell us a little about it? How you provided help to the army? And how you did you discover this new idea?
King Tang: Sure of course. We have this cart that allows the soldiers be taken to each destination. It’s called a chariot. The chariot is very useful to us and is excellent when we go out to battle. I found this idea by walking through the village. While I was walking I saw this wheel barrel with food and it made the person go faster in delivering. So I came up with the chariot idea to make my soldiers work faster.
Interviewer: That sounds interesting. Do you have any upcoming events? And how are you going to plan to do this?
King Tang: Well some of the events are not going to be available to the public but the one thing that I can revel is I am going to make the taxes smaller so resources won’t be as expensive. I plan to make them smaller by forcing my people to buy the expensive resources.
Interviewer: That sounds devious and harsh.
King Tang: Well I am lowering the taxes so I think it is fair.
Interviewer: I guess you are right. Did it feel exciting to defeating the Xia dynasty last week? And how did you do this?
King Tang: It felt like pigs flying. I had a strategy to not get caught by the king. My army works really hard and I feel like they are doing a great job fighting for me.
Interviewer: That’s all the time we have for today. Thank you for being here King Tang.
King Tang: Thank you for having me.

Bronze Artifact

Major Event

The bronze age of China began in 1700 B.C. It brought maturity to a civilization. It required men to melt copper and tin to make bronze. People also learned how to farm and produce extra food to feed the workers. This happened along the yellow river in the Shang dynasty. During the Bronze Age different ideas about the religion and the kingship came into aspect. Centuries later the Zhou dynasty replaced the Shang dynasty. The Bronze Age brought great significance to China.